
Idle Gym Tycoon

Idle Gym Tycoon

Idle Gym Tycoon

Welcome to Idle Gym Tycoon. In this game, you will have the task of managing and building a gym to help it grow more and more. How to play is very simple, you just need to click on the screen, money will be generated. You can then purchase upgrades on the right side of the screen. Each upgrade will have its own effect, for example, to get more exercise equipment, you can choose "Buy Gym Equiqment". There are also many other upgrades such as helping you increase money per click or hiring employees to manage the store.

When playing Idle Gym Tycoon, you need to plan a strategy so you can optimize your investment. Developing a gym from rudimentary to fully equipped is a process that requires patience and hard work. Good luck!

How To Play

  • Use the mouse to play.

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